Publications [2016-2020]

In this section, you’ll find all the scientific publications and researches that members of the MUDI laboratory have made throughout the years.

2020 Publications
2020 Role of time-normalized laboratory findings in predicting COVID-19 outcome Ferrari, D., Seveso, A., Sabetta, E., Ceriotti, D., Carobene, A., Banfi, G., et al. (2020). Role of time-normalized laboratory findings in predicting COVID-19 outcome. DIAGNOSIS, 7(4), 387-394 [10.1515/dx-2020-0095].2020 Evaluation of cost-saving machine learning methods for patient blood management Brinati, D., Seveso, A., Perazzo, P., Banfi, G., Cabitza, F. (2020). Evaluation of cost-saving machine learning methods for patient blood management. In Proceedings of the 12th IADIS International Conference e-Health 2020, EH 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020 (pp.183-189). IADIS.2020 All you need is higher accuracy? On the quest for minimum acceptable accuracy for medical artificial intelligence Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Zotti, F., Ravizza, A., Sternini, F. (2020). All you need is higher accuracy? On the quest for minimum acceptable accuracy for medical artificial intelligence. In Proceedings of the 12th IADIS International Conference e-Health 2020, EH 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020 (pp. 159-166). IADIS.2020 H-Accuracy, an alternative metric to assess classification models in medicine Campagner, A., Sconfienza, L., Cabitza, F. (2020). H-Accuracy, an alternative metric to assess classification models in medicine. In C.L. Louise B. Pape-Haugaard (a cura di), Digital Personalized Health and Medicine (pp. 242-246). NIEUWE HEMWEG 6B, 1013 BG AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS : IOS Press [10.3233/SHTI200159].2020 Introducing new measures of inter- And intra-rater agreement to assess the reliability of medical ground truth Campagner, A., Cabitza, F. (2020). Introducing new measures of inter- And intra-rater agreement to assess the reliability of medical ground truth. In C.L. Louise B. Pape-Haugaard (a cura di), Digital Personalized Health and Medicine (pp. 282-286). NIEUWE HEMWEG 6B, 1013 BG AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS : IOS Press [10.3233/SHTI200167].2020 Back to the Feature: A Neural-Symbolic Perspective on Explainable AI Campagner, A., Cabitza, F. (2020). Back to the Feature: A Neural-Symbolic Perspective on Explainable AI. In A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, A.M. Tjoa, E. Weippl (a cura di), Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. 4th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2020, Dublin, Ireland, August 25–28, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 39-55). Springer [10.1007/978-3-030-57321-8_3].2020 Rough Sets. International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2020, Havana, Cuba, June 29 – July 3, 2020, Proceedings Bello, R., Miao, D., Falcon, R., Nakata, M., Rosete, A., Ciucci, D. (a cura di). (2020). Rough Sets. International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2020, Havana, Cuba, June 29 – July 3, 2020, Proceedings. Springer [10.1007/978-3-030-52705-1].2020 Evidence of significant difference in key covid-19 biomarkers during the italian lockdown strategy. A retrospective study on patients admitted to a hospital emergency department in northern italy Carobene, A., Ferrari, D., Campagner, A., Cabitza, F., Sabetta, E., Ceriotti, D., et al. (2020). Evidence of significant difference in key covid-19 biomarkers during the italian lockdown strategy. A retrospective study on patients admitted to a hospital emergency department in northern italy. ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE, 91(4), 1-9 [10.23750/abm.v91i4.10371].2020 La Scienza Dei Dati Batini, C., Cabitza, F., Cherubini, P., Ferrari, A., Masiero, R., Maurino, A., et al. (2020). La Scienza Dei Dati. Milano : Pubblicato con Licenza Creative Commons.2020 Trading off between control and autonomy: a narrative review around de-design Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Ravarini, A. (2020). Trading off between control and autonomy: a narrative review around de-design. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 39(1), 5-26 [10.1080/0144929X.2019.1634761].2020 Artificial intelligence-based tools to control healthcare associated infections: A systematic review of the literature Scardoni, A., Balzarini, F., Signorelli, C., Cabitza, F., Odone, A. (2020). Artificial intelligence-based tools to control healthcare associated infections: A systematic review of the literature. JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 13(8), 1061-1077 [10.1016/j.jiph.2020.06.006].2020 Detection of COVID-19 Infection from Routine Blood Exams with Machine Learning: A Feasibility Study Brinati, D., Campagner, A., Ferrari, D., Locatelli, M., Banfi, G., Cabitza, F. (2020). Detection of COVID-19 Infection from Routine Blood Exams with Machine Learning: A Feasibility Study. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, 44(8) [10.1007/s10916-020-01597-4].2020 Routine blood tests as an active surveillance to monitor COVID-19 prevalence. A retrospective study Ferrari, D., Cabitza, F., Carobene, A., Locatelli, M. (2020). Routine blood tests as an active surveillance to monitor COVID-19 prevalence. A retrospective study. ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE, 91(3), 1-9 [10.23750/abm.v91i3.10218].2020 As if sand were stone. New concepts and metrics to probe the ground on which to build trustable AI Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Sconfienza, L. (2020). As if sand were stone. New concepts and metrics to probe the ground on which to build trustable AI. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING, 20(1) [10.1186/s12911-020-01224-9].2020 IGV short scale to assess implicit value of visualizations through explicit interaction Locoro, A., Cabitza, F., Ravarini, A., Buono, P. (2020). IGV short scale to assess implicit value of visualizations through explicit interaction. APPLIED SCIENCES, 10(18) [10.3390/APP10186189].2020 Assessment and prediction of spine surgery invasiveness with machine learning techniques Campagner, A., Berjano, P., Lamartina, C., Langella, F., Lombardi, G., Cabitza, F. (2020). Assessment and prediction of spine surgery invasiveness with machine learning techniques. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 121 [10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.103796].2020 The elephant in the machine: Proposing a new metric of data reliability and its application to a medical case to assess classification reliability Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Albano, D., Aliprandi, A., Bruno, A., Chianca, V., et al. (2020). The elephant in the machine: Proposing a new metric of data reliability and its application to a medical case to assess classification reliability. APPLIED SCIENCES, 10(11) [10.3390/app10114014].2020 Three-Way Decision for Handling Uncertainty in Machine Learning: A Narrative Review Campagner, A., Cabitza, F., Ciucci, D. (2020). Three-Way Decision for Handling Uncertainty in Machine Learning: A Narrative Review. In ROUGH SETS, IJCRS 2020 (pp.137-152). Springer [10.1007/978-3-030-52705-1_10].2020 A Formal Learning Theory for Three-Way Clustering Campagner, A., Ciucci, D. (2020). A Formal Learning Theory for Three-Way Clustering. In Scalable Uncertainty Management (pp.128-140). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH [10.1007/978-3-030-58449-8_9].2020 Approximate Reaction Systems Based on Rough Set Theory Campagner, A., Ciucci, D., Dorigatti, V. (2020). Approximate Reaction Systems Based on Rough Set Theory. In ROUGH SETS, IJCRS 2020 (pp.48-60). Springer [10.1007/978-3-030-52705-1_4].2020 Ensemble learning, social choice and collective intelligence: An experimental comparison of aggregation techniques Campagner, A., Ciucci, D., Cabitza, F. (2020). Ensemble learning, social choice and collective intelligence: An experimental comparison of aggregation techniques. In Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (pp.53-65). Springer [10.1007/978-3-030-57524-3_5].2020 Entropy-based shadowed set approximation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets Campagner, A., Dorigatti, V., Ciucci, D. (2020). Entropy-based shadowed set approximation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 35(12), 2117-2139 [10.1002/int.22287].2020 Developing a machine learning model for predicting postnatal growth in very low birth weight infants Seveso, A., Bozzetti, V., Tagliabue, P., Ventura, M., Cabitza, F. (2020). Developing a machine learning model for predicting postnatal growth in very low birth weight infants. In HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings; Part of 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2020 (pp.490-497). SciTePress [10.5220/0008972804900497].2020 Ordinal labels in machine learning: a user-centered approach to improve data validity in medical settings Seveso, A., Campagner, A., Ciucci, D., Cabitza, F. (2020). Ordinal labels in machine learning: a user-centered approach to improve data validity in medical settings. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING, 20(S5) [10.1186/s12911-020-01152-8].2020 Feature Reduction in Superset Learning Using Rough Sets and Evidence Theory Campagner, A., Ciucci, D., Hüllermeier, E. (2020). Feature Reduction in Superset Learning Using Rough Sets and Evidence Theory. In Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 18th International Conference, IPMU 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, June 15–19, 2020, Proceedings, Part I (pp.471-484). Springer [10.1007/978-3-030-50146-4_35].2020 Three-way active learning through clustering selection Min, F., Zhang, S., Ciucci, D., Wang, M. (2020). Three-way active learning through clustering selection. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS, 11(5), 1033-1046 [10.1007/s13042-020-01099-2].2020 Granular Computing Ciucci, D. (2020). Granular Computing. In C.L.M. Laurie A. Schintler (a cura di), Encyclopedia of Big Data (pp. 1-3). Springer Nature [10.1007/978-3-319-32001-4_536-1].2020 Bridging the "last mile" gap between AI implementation and operation: "data awareness" that matters Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Balsano, C. (2020). Bridging the "last mile" gap between AI implementation and operation: "data awareness" that matters. ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 8(7), 501-509 [10.21037/atm.2020.03.63].2020 Synergy of Granular Computing, Shadowed Sets, and Three-way Decisions Ciucci, D., Yao, Y. (2020). Synergy of Granular Computing, Shadowed Sets, and Three-way Decisions (D. Ciucci, Y. Yao, a cura di). STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA : Elsevier Inc. [10.1016/j.ins.2019.09.003].
2019 Publications
2019 Biases Affecting Human Decision Making in AI-Supported Second Opinion Settings Cabitza, F. (2019). Biases Affecting Human Decision Making in AI-Supported Second Opinion Settings. In Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence 16th International Conference, MDAI 2019, Milan, Italy, September 4–6, 2019, Proceedings (pp.283-294). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-26773-5_25].2019 International Joint Conference on Rough Sets (IJCRS 2019) Mihálydeák, T., Min, F., Wang, G., Banerjee, M., Düntsch, I., Suraj, Z., et al. (a cura di). (2019). International Joint Conference on Rough Sets (IJCRS 2019). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-22815-6].2019 Three–Way Classification: Ambiguity and Abstention in Machine Learning Campagner, A., Cabitza, F., Ciucci, D. (2019). Three–Way Classification: Ambiguity and Abstention in Machine Learning. In International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, IJCRS 2019 (pp.280-294). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-22815-6_22].2019 Programmed Inefficiencies in DSS-Supported Human Decision Making Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Ciucci, D., Seveso, A. (2019). Programmed Inefficiencies in DSS-Supported Human Decision Making. In International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI 2019) (pp.201-212). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-26773-5_18].2019 New Frontiers in Explainable AI: Understanding the GI to Interpret the GO Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Ciucci, D. (2019). New Frontiers in Explainable AI: Understanding the GI to Interpret the GO. In International Cross-Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (CD-MAKE 2019) (pp.27-47). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-29726-8_3].2019 Personal Health Records and Patient-Oriented Infrastructures: Building Technology, Shaping (New) Patients, and Healthcare Practitioners Piras, E., Cabitza, F., Lewkowicz, M., Bannon, L. (2019). Personal Health Records and Patient-Oriented Infrastructures: Building Technology, Shaping (New) Patients, and Healthcare Practitioners. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK, 28(6), 1001-1009 [10.1007/s10606-019-09364-x].2019 The proof of the pudding: in praise of a culture of real-world validation for medical artificial intelligence Cabitza, F., Zeitoun, J. (2019). The proof of the pudding: in praise of a culture of real-world validation for medical artificial intelligence. ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 7(8), 161-161 [10.21037/atm.2019.04.07].2019 Data work in healthcare: An Introduction Bossen, C., Pine, K., Cabitza, F., Ellingsen, G., Piras, E. (2019). Data work in healthcare: An Introduction. HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL, 25(3), 465-474 [10.1177/1460458219864730].2019 Digitizing the informed consent: The challenges to design for practices Assale, M., Barbero, E., Cabitza, F. (2019). Digitizing the informed consent: The challenges to design for practices. Intervento presentato a: IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2019, Instituto Maimonides de Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba, esp [10.1109/CBMS.2019.00127].2019 The Revival of the Notes Field: Leveraging the Unstructured Content in Electronic Health Records Assale, M., Dui, L., Cina, A., Seveso, A., Cabitza, F. (2019). The Revival of the Notes Field: Leveraging the Unstructured Content in Electronic Health Records. FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 6 [10.3389/fmed.2019.00066].2019 Orthopartitions and soft clustering: Soft mutual information measures for clustering validation Campagner, A., Ciucci, D. (2019). Orthopartitions and soft clustering: Soft mutual information measures for clustering validation. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 180, 51-61 [10.1016/j.knosys.2019.05.018].2019 Exploring medical data classification with three-way decision trees Campagner, A., Cabitza, F., Ciucci, D. (2019). Exploring medical data classification with three-way decision trees. In HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings; Part of 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2019 (pp.147-158). SciTePress [10.5220/0007571001470158].2019 A capacity-based framework encompassing Belnap–Dunn logic for reasoning about multisource information Ciucci, D., Dubois, D. (2019). A capacity-based framework encompassing Belnap–Dunn logic for reasoning about multisource information. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING, 106, 107-127 [10.1016/j.ijar.2018.12.014].2019 The elephant in the record: On the multiplicity of data recording work Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Alderighi, C., Rasoini, R., Compagnone, D., Berjano, P. (2019). The elephant in the record: On the multiplicity of data recording work. HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL, 25(3), 475-490 [10.1177/1460458218824705].2019 PROs in the wild: Assessing the validity of patient reported outcomes in an electronic registry Cabitza, F., Dui, L., Banfi, G. (2019). PROs in the wild: Assessing the validity of patient reported outcomes in an electronic registry. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, 181 [10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.01.009].2019 A giant with feet of clay: On the validity of the data that feed machine learning in medicine Cabitza, F., Ciucci, D., Rasoini, R. (2019). A giant with feet of clay: On the validity of the data that feed machine learning in medicine. In F. Cabitza, C. Batini, M. Magni (a cura di), Organizing for the Digital World: IT for Individuals, Communities and Societies (pp. 121-136). Springer Heidelberg [10.1007/978-3-319-90503-7_10].
2018 Publications
2018 Spine surgery registries: hope for evidence-based spinal care? Ismael, M., Villafañe, J., Cabitza, F., Banfi, G., Berjano, P. (2018). Spine surgery registries: hope for evidence-based spinal care?. JOURNAL OF SPINE SURGERY, 4(2), 456-458 [10.21037/jss.2018.05.19].2018 Morphological and molecular characterization of human hamstrings shows that tendon features are not influenced by donor age Gagliano, N., Menon, A., Cabitza, F., Compagnoni, R., Randelli, P. (2018). Morphological and molecular characterization of human hamstrings shows that tendon features are not influenced by donor age. KNEE SURGERY, SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY, ARTHROSCOPY, 26(1), 343-352 [10.1007/s00167-017-4661-0].2018 Algorithms are the new drugs? Reflections for a culture of impact assessment and vigilance Harvey, H., Cabitza, F. (2018). Algorithms are the new drugs? Reflections for a culture of impact assessment and vigilance. In MCCSIS 2018 - Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of the International Conferences on e-Health 2018, ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2018 and Web Based Communities and Social Media 2018 (pp.281-285). IADIS.2018 Algebraic methods for orthopairs and induced rough approximation spaces Cattaneo, G., Ciucci, D. (2018). Algebraic methods for orthopairs and induced rough approximation spaces. In A. Mani, G. Cattaneo, I. Düntsch (a cura di), Algebraic Methods in General Rough Sets (pp. 553-640). Springer International Publishing [10.1007/978-3-030-01162-8_7].2018 Scalable Uncertainty Management 12th International Conference, SUM 2018, Milan, Italy, October 3-5, 2018, Proceedings Ciucci, D., Pasi, G., Vantaggi, B. (a cura di). (2018). Scalable Uncertainty Management 12th International Conference, SUM 2018, Milan, Italy, October 3-5, 2018, Proceedings. Springer Nature [10.1007/978-3-030-00461-3].2018 Fuzzification of ordinal classes. The case of the HL7 severity grading Cabitza, F., Ciucci, D. (2018). Fuzzification of ordinal classes. The case of the HL7 severity grading. In Scalable Uncertainty Management 12th International Conference, SUM 2018, Milan, Italy, October 3-5, 2018, Proceedings (pp.64-77). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-00461-3_5].2018 External Indices for Rough Clustering Re Depaolini, M., Ciucci, D., Calegari, S., Dominoni, M. (2018). External Indices for Rough Clustering. In Rough Sets. International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2018 (pp.378-391). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-99368-3_29].2018 Finite IUML-algebras, Finite Forests and Orthopairs Aguzzoli, S., Boffa, S., Ciucci, D., Gerla, B. (2018). Finite IUML-algebras, Finite Forests and Orthopairs. FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE, 163(2), 139-163 [10.3233/FI-2018-1735].2018 Machine learning in orthopedics: A literature review Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Banfi, G. (2018). Machine learning in orthopedics: A literature review. FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 6 [10.3389/fbioe.2018.00075].2018 Three-Way and Semi-supervised Decision Tree Learning Based on Orthopartitions Campagner, A., Ciucci, D. (2018). Three-Way and Semi-supervised Decision Tree Learning Based on Orthopartitions. In Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Foundations (pp.748-759) [10.1007/978-3-319-91476-3_61].2018 Repetita Iuvant: Exploring and Supporting Redundancy in Hospital Practices Cabitza, F., Ellingsen, G., Locoro, A., Simone, C. (2018). Repetita Iuvant: Exploring and Supporting Redundancy in Hospital Practices. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK, 27(3-6), 1051-1084 [10.1007/s10606-017-9303-z].2018 Sliding Knots Compagnoni, R., Cabitza, F., Randelli, P. (2018). Sliding Knots. In U. Akgun, M. Karahan, P. Randelli, J. Espregueira-Mendes (a cura di), Knots in Orthopedic Surgery - Open And Arthroscopic Techniques (pp. 161-174). Springer [10.1007/978-3-662-56108-9_16].2018 A comparison study of similarity measures for covering-based neighborhood classifiers Liu, F., Zhang, B., Ciucci, D., Wu, W., Min, F. (2018). A comparison study of similarity measures for covering-based neighborhood classifiers. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 448-449, 1-17 [10.1016/j.ins.2018.03.030].2018 3D printing objects as knowledge artifacts for a do-it-yourself approach in clinical practice: A questionnaire-based user study in the orthopaedics domain Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Ravarini, A. (2018). 3D printing objects as knowledge artifacts for a do-it-yourself approach in clinical practice: A questionnaire-based user study in the orthopaedics domain. DATA TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, 52(1), 163-186 [10.1108/DTA-03-2017-0019].2018 Machine learning in laboratory medicine: Waiting for the flood? Cabitza, F., Banfi, G. (2018). Machine learning in laboratory medicine: Waiting for the flood?. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE, 56(4), 516-524 [10.1515/cclm-2017-0287].
2017 Publications
2017 In reply Cabitza, F., Rasoini, R., Gensini, G. (2017). In reply. JAMA, 318(23), 2356-2357 [10.1001/jama.2017.16635].2017 What Arthroscopic Skills Need to Be Trained before Continuing Safe Training in the Operating Room? Tuijthof, G., Cabitza, F., Ragone, V., Compagnoni, R., Randelli, P. (2017). What Arthroscopic Skills Need to Be Trained before Continuing Safe Training in the Operating Room?. THE JOURNAL OF KNEE SURGERY, 30(7), 718-724 [10.1055/s-0036-1597755].2017 The theory of fuzzy sets: Basic ideas, uses and legacy 50 years after birth Ciucci, D. (2017). The theory of fuzzy sets: Basic ideas, uses and legacy 50 years after birth. MONDO DIGITALE, 16(72).2017 Rough Sets - International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part II. Polkowski, L., Yao, Y., Artiemjew, P., Ciucci, D., Liu, D., Slezak, D., et al. (a cura di). (2017). Rough Sets - International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part II.. Springer Verlag.2017 Rough Sets - International Joint Conference, {IJCRS} 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part {I} Polkowski, L., Yao, Y., Artiemjew, P., Ciucci, D., Liu, D., Slezak, D., et al. (a cura di). (2017). Rough Sets - International Joint Conference, {IJCRS} 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part {I}. Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-60837-2].2017 Rough set theory and digraphs Chiaselotti, G., Ciucci, D., Gentile, T., Infusino, F. (2017). Rough set theory and digraphs. FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE, 153(4), 291-325 [10.3233/FI-2017-1542].2017 “Handle with care”: About the potential unintended consequences of oracular artificial intelligence systems in medicine Cabitza, F., Alderighi, C., Rasoini, R., Gensini, G. (2017). “Handle with care”: About the potential unintended consequences of oracular artificial intelligence systems in medicine. RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA, 108(10), 397-401 [10.1701/2802.28353].2017 Unintended consequences of machine learning in medicine Cabitza, F., Rasoini, R., Gensini, G. (2017). Unintended consequences of machine learning in medicine. JAMA, 318(6), 517-518 [10.1001/jama.2017.7797].2017 The semiotics of configurations for the immanent design of interactive computational systems Cabitza, F., Mattozzi, A. (2017). The semiotics of configurations for the immanent design of interactive computational systems. JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, 40, 65-90 [10.1016/j.jvlc.2017.01.003].2017 Questionnaires in the design and evaluation of community-oriented technologies Cabitza, F., Locoro, A. (2017). Questionnaires in the design and evaluation of community-oriented technologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB BASED COMMUNITIES, 13(1), 4-35 [10.1504/IJWBC.2017.082728].2017 Certainty-based rough sets Ciucci, D., Forcati, I. (2017). Certainty-based rough sets. In Rough Sets. International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3–7, 2017, Proceedings (pp.43-55). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-60840-2_3].2017 Measuring uncertainty in orthopairs Campagner, A., Ciucci, D. (2017). Measuring uncertainty in orthopairs. In Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (pp.423-432). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-61581-3_38].2017 A Two-Tiered Propositional Framework for Handling Multisource Inconsistent Information Ciucci, D., Dubois, D. (2017). A Two-Tiered Propositional Framework for Handling Multisource Inconsistent Information. In Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (pp.398-408). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-61581-3_36].2017 Back to the beginnings: Pawlak’s definitions of the terms information system and rough set Ciucci, D. (2017). Back to the beginnings: Pawlak’s definitions of the terms information system and rough set. In G. Wang, A. Skowron, Y. Yao, D. Ślęzak, L. Polkowski (a cura di), Thriving Rough Sets (pp. 225-235). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-54966-8_11].2017 Micro and macro models of granular computing induced by the indiscernibility relation Bisi, C., Chiaselotti, G., Ciucci, D., Gentile, T., Infusino, F. (2017). Micro and macro models of granular computing induced by the indiscernibility relation. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 388-389, 247-273 [10.1016/j.ins.2017.01.023].2017 Static and interactive infographics in daily tasks: A value-in-use and quality of interaction user study Locoro, A., Cabitza, F., ACTIS GROSSO, R., Batini, C. (2017). Static and interactive infographics in daily tasks: A value-in-use and quality of interaction user study. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 71, 240-257 [10.1016/j.chb.2017.01.032].2017 Exploiting collective knowledge with three-way decision theory: Cases from the questionnaire-based research Cabitza, F., Ciucci, D., Locoro, A. (2017). Exploiting collective knowledge with three-way decision theory: Cases from the questionnaire-based research. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING, 83, 356-370 [10.1016/j.ijar.2016.11.013].2017 Rule-based tools for the configuration of ambient intelligence systems: a comparative user study Cabitza, F., Fogli, D., Lanzilotti, R., Piccinno, A. (2017). Rule-based tools for the configuration of ambient intelligence systems: a comparative user study. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 76(4), 5221-5241 [10.1007/s11042-016-3511-2].
2016 Publications
2016 Risk factors for post-operative shoulder stiffness: Are there new candidates? Cucchi, D., Menon, A., Feroldi, F., Kwapisz, A., Randelli, F., Cabitza, F., et al. (2016). Risk factors for post-operative shoulder stiffness: Are there new candidates?. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL REGULATORS & HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS, 30(4), 123-129.2016 Data-work in healthcare: The new work ecologies of healthcare infrastructures Bossen, C., Pine, K., Elllingsen, G., Cabitza, F. (2016). Data-work in healthcare: The new work ecologies of healthcare infrastructures. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW (pp.509-514). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/2818052.2855505].2016 Touch & Screen: Widget collection for large screens controlled through smartphones Bellino, A., Cabitza, F., De Michelis, G., De Paoli, F. (2016). Touch & Screen: Widget collection for large screens controlled through smartphones. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp.25-35). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3012709.3012736].2016 The granular partition lattice of an information table Chiaselotti, G., Ciucci, D., Gentile, T., Infusino, F. (2016). The granular partition lattice of an information table. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 373, 57-78 [10.1016/j.ins.2016.08.037].2016 Rough sets, rule-based approaches, and knowledge representation Ciucci, D., Ślȩzak, D., Wolski, M. (a cura di). (2016). Rough sets, rule-based approaches, and knowledge representation. Nieuwe Hemweg 6B : IOS Press [10.3233/FI-2016-1419].2016 Generalizations of rough set tools inspired by graph theory Chiaselotti, G., Ciucci, D., Gentile, T., Infusino, F. (2016). Generalizations of rough set tools inspired by graph theory. FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE, 148(1-2), 207-227 [10.3233/FI-2016-1431].2016 Orthopairs and granular computing Ciucci, D. (2016). Orthopairs and granular computing. GRANULAR COMPUTING, 1(3), 159-170 [10.1007/s41066-015-0013-y].2016 Refinements of orthopairs and IUML-algebras Aguzzoli, S., Boffa, S., Ciucci, D., Gerla, B. (2016). Refinements of orthopairs and IUML-algebras. In Rough Sets. International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile, October 7–11, 2016, Proceedings (pp.87-96). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-47160-0_8].2016 Virtual patients for knowledge sharing and clinical practice training: A gamified approach Cabitza, F., Fogli, D., Locoro, A. (2016). Virtual patients for knowledge sharing and clinical practice training: A gamified approach. In 4th International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance, GALA 2015; Rome; Italy; 9 December 2015 through 11 December 2015 (pp.329-335). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-319-40216-1_35].2016 Probing interactivity in open data for General Practice. An evidence-based approach Cabitza, F., Del Zotti, F., Locoro, A. (2016). Probing interactivity in open data for General Practice. An evidence-based approach. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (pp.35-42). Fogli D.;Giacomin M.;Cabitza F.;Locoro A..2016 Moving western neighborliness to east a study on local exchange in Bangladesh Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Simone, C., Sultana, T. (2016). Moving western neighborliness to east a study on local exchange in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW (pp.1766-1776). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/2818048.2819971].2016 Valuable visualization of healthcare information: From the quantified self data to conversations Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Fogli, D., Giacomin, M. (2016). Valuable visualization of healthcare information: From the quantified self data to conversations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces AVI (pp.376-380). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/2909132.2927474].2016 From Care for Design to Becoming Matters: New perspectives for the development of socio-technical systems Cabitza, F., Locoro, A. (2016). From Care for Design to Becoming Matters: New perspectives for the development of socio-technical systems. In L. Caporarello, F. Cesaroni, R. Giesecke, M. Missikoff (a cura di), Digitally Supported Innovation - A Multi-Disciplinary View on Enterprise, Public Sector and User Innovation (pp. 113-127). Springer Heidelberg [10.1007/978-3-319-40265-9_8].2016 Tendon-Derived Stem Cells for Rotator Cuff Repair Randelli, P., Cucchi, D., Cabitza, F., Compagnoni, R., Menon, A. (2016). Tendon-Derived Stem Cells for Rotator Cuff Repair. OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN ORTHOPAEDICS, 26(3), 147-154 [10.1053/j.oto.2016.06.004].2016 When the web supports communities of place: The 'Social Street' case in Italy Cabitza, F., Scramaglia, R., Cornetta, D., Simone, C. (2016). When the web supports communities of place: The 'Social Street' case in Italy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB BASED COMMUNITIES, 12(3), 216-237 [10.1504/IJWBC.2016.077758].2016 Simple graphs in granular computing Chiaselotti, G., Ciucci, D., Gentile, T. (2016). Simple graphs in granular computing. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 340-341, 279-304 [10.1016/j.ins.2015.12.042].2016 On the connection of hypergraph theory with formal concept analysis and rough set theory Cattaneo, G., Chiaselotti, G., Ciucci, D., Gentile, T. (2016). On the connection of hypergraph theory with formal concept analysis and rough set theory. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 330, 342-357 [10.1016/j.ins.2015.09.054].2016 Structures of opposition induced by relations: The Boolean and the gradual cases Ciucci, D., Dubois, D., Prade, H. (2016). Structures of opposition induced by relations: The Boolean and the gradual cases. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 76(3-4), 351-373 [10.1007/s10472-015-9480-8].